Graduate Students
Because of lack of time, I will not be accepting any new student this year, unless you are "the light of the exile" (Me'or HaGolah).
Are you a graduate student looking for a masters or
doctorate topic?
Looking for an interesting project to work on?
Do you love astrophysics?
Well, if you're good and one of the following topics is
interesting, e-mail me, come see me in my office, or phone (contacts are
found here).
Research Topics:
Physics around compact objects (white dwarfs, neutron stars,
black holes).
Physics of very luminous objects (so luminous that they want
to blow themselves apart).
Various topics in stellar structure.
Various topics in high energy astrophysics.
Topics related to our Galaxy, Cosmic Rays and climate on
Earth (yeap they are related!).
Anything which is particularly interesting to you (and me),
and in astrophysics, and worthwhile learning together.
The technical skills and physical background required for
the various topics are different. However, the stuff I do (and which I
guess students working with me could encounter as well) range from formal
analytical analyses to elaborate numerical simulations. The physics could
be any combination of the following list: QED, nuclear physics, statistical
mechanics, plain mechanics, stellar structure equations, hydrodynamics,
and radiative transfer and even cosmological GR. A project can be
found according to any topic which is interesting to you!

Undergraduate Students
If you are an undergrad looking for a project to work
on, some well defined projects (which are a subset of the above topics)
are waiting to be done. Contacts are found here.
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