- Belgium house (the conference venue) - note that the Belgium house has limited room availability so it is recommended to book early if required.
- Prima Park hotel - about 10-15m easy walk from the conference venue.
In order to arrange reservations please con act the Belgium House directly (belgia@savion.huji.ac.il) and inform them you are interested in securing rooms for the PSAS2016 conference. Booking for the Ganey Yerushalayim hotel is arranged through the Belgium house once capacity has been reached. There is also the option of sharing rooms (up to 2 persons/room), such requests should be made at the time of booking.
While we do not have special rates with other hotels in Jerusalem, it is certainly possible to contact them directly and book rooms. Note that in this case we recommend picking a hotel within easy walk of the light rail which has stops close to the university campus.