PSAS‘2016: International Conference on
Precision Physics of Simple Atomic Systems

Date: 22-27/5/2016

Beyt Belgia (Belgium House), Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel

Registration costs until 15/4/16 (April 1st) will be 330$, after that date registration will be 385$.
The registration costs cover: attendance in the conference, daily lunches and coffee breaks, a half-day excursion to the old city of Jerusalem, and the conference dinner (to be held at the end of the excursion).
Registration costs for accompanying persons is set at 110$ (if lunches are not required) or 220$ (including lunches) and include the excursion and the conference dinner.
It is possible to pay the registration costs during the conference (note that we can only accept credit card payment).
Some support (primarily for students and postdocs) may be available, please contact the local organizers if needed.
Registration is now open, after registration please proceed to the payment site.
Unfortunately, we are only able to accept payment in US Dollars, we apologize for the inconvenience.

Cancellation and refunds will be done according to the relevant Israeli regulations
"ביטול עסקה בהתאם לתקנות הגנת הצרכן (ביטול עסקה), התשע"א-2010 וחוק הגנת הצרכן, התשמ"א-1981"

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