Conference Focus
The conference is devoted to precision studies of simple atoms and molecules in order to develop new approaches and to access various fundamental issues within and beyond atomic physics, and possible new physics. Applications include aspects from particle and nuclear physics, atomic and molecular physics, astrophysics, metrology, etc.
Conference topics include :
- Precision spectroscopy of hydrogen, its isotopes and other light atoms
- Precision frequency measurements and determination of fundamental constants
- Quantum electrodynamics and advanced quantum mechanics
- Study of pure leptonic systems, muonic and exotic atoms
- Study of few-electron ions with medium and high Z
- Search for variation of fundamental constants and tests of fundamental symmetries
- Casimir Effect and its applications
- Structure of light nuclei and other hadronic effects
- Fundamental constants of particle physics
- Quantum Information
- (Astrophysics and Cosmology)
- (New SI system)