
Name Primary Category Discipline/Position Phone Office E-Mail Home Page
Orgad Dror Faculty Condensed Matter Physics 02 6586 980 Danciger B 214
Ovadyahu Zvi Emeriti Condensed Matter Physics 02 6585 983 Danciger B 201
Palacio Jorge Post-Docs Nonlinear 02 6585 707 Levin 14
Panagiotis Georgoudis Post-Docs Nuclear Hadronic and Few-Body Physics 02 6584 354 Kaplun 202
Paul Michael Emeriti Nuclear Hadronic and Few-Body Physics 02 6584 795 Kaplun 16
Perel Reuven Faculty Biophysics and Interdisciplinary Research 02 6586 881 Popick 106
Pilnyak Yehuda Graduate Students Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 02 6584 473 Marks Bldg.
Piran Tsvi Faculty Astrophysics and Relativity 02 6584 233 Kaplun 108
Rabinovici Eliezer Emeriti High Energy Physics 02 6585 673 Kaplun 204
Rakavy Gideon Emeriti Astrophysics and Relativity 02 6584 234 Popick 118
