The Hebrew University of Jerusalem The Racah Inst. of Physics The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, The Racah Institute of Physics

Brief Academic Biography

I am currently an associate research scientist at the Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (C2B2) at the Columbia university medical center. I am working on reverse engineering of the signaling pathways governing tumor genesis in various types of cancer, and in understanding the differences in the regulatory networks that lead to malignancy. I previously held postdoc positions at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, at the lab of Prof. S Sealfon where I was analyzing the dynamic properties of regulatory networks found in cells involved in the human immune system, and at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, at the lab of Prof. H. Margalit where I was computationally investigating the properties of post-transcriptional regulation by small non-coding RNA. I received my PhD in April 2008 and my M.Sc in October 2003, both from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. Both the PhD and M.Sc research were conducted in the Racah Institute of Physics under the supervision of Prof. O. Biham, in the field of Quantum Computation. My B.Sc degree is also from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, in physics and computer science.

General Biography

2010-present Associate research scientist at the Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Columbia University Medical Center, New York.
2008-2010 Post-doctoral position in immunological computational biology at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York.
2007-2008 Post-doctoral position in bioinformatics and biophysics in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
2003-2007 PhD in physics from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
Teaching assistant in course "waves and optics" (77305).
Lecturer in physics courses for bio-information student (77163, 77164).
Teaching assistant in courses "mechanics" and "electricity" (77101, 77102).
2001-2003 M.Sc degree in physics from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
Teaching assistant in physics courses for biology students (77148, 77304)
2002 - Excellence scholarship
2003 - Excellence scholarship
Taganga, Colombia - Scuba diving instructor.
Picturevision - Java programmer.
Shahar Institute - Mathematics teacher.
B.Sc degree in physics and computer science from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, with honors (cum laude).
1998 - Dean's list
1999 - Dean's list
M.N.S mashovit - Magic language programmer.
Army Service - chief programmer, system administrator.
Mae Boyer high school.

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