June, 2024: Dror Liran was awarded the The Schuller Award for outstanding condensed-matter PhD student of the Racah Institute of Physics in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
  May, 2024: Ralfy Kenaz was awarded the Nano Prize at The Nano Center Annual Conference (HUJI NANO) in Jerusalem, Israel. The Nano Prize, awarded by The Hebrew University Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, honors selected PhD students for their "Excellence in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology".
  May, 2024: Yuval Bloom won the Outstanding Poster award at The Nano Center Annual Conference (HUJI NANO) in Jerusalem, Israel.
  October, 2023: Dror Liran has been awarded with the outstanding PhD prize of the Quantum Information Science Center.
  September, 2023: Ralfy Kenaz was awarded the Paul Drude Medal at the 12th Workshop on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry (WSE2023) organized in Prague, Czech Republic. The "Paul Drude Medal" is a prize for young scientists awarded by the German Association of Ellipsometry for outstanding contributions in the field of ellipsometric metrology or spectroscopy.
  February, 2020: Boaz Lubotzky won the best poster award in the annual Nano Conference.
  July, 2019: Dror Liran was awarded with the 70 for 70 scholarship by the Milner Global Foundation. Clebrating 70 years to the independence of Israel, the foundation grants the scholarship to 70 outstanding Ph.D. students from the Hebrew University, the Technion and Tel Aviv University.
  July, 2018: Hamza Abudayyeh was awarded with the Prof. Rahamimoff Travel Grant for Young Scientists of the US-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF), to present his work at the "SPIE nanoscience+engineering" conference.
  March, 2018: Ralfy Kenaz won the faculty's best poster award in the faculty of science's day.
  February, 2018: Yotam Mazuz-Harpaz was awarded with a two-year scholarship for outstanding Ph.D. students by the Hebrew University Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.
  June, 2017: Kobi Cohen has won the 2017 Racah award.
  January, 2016: Hamza Abudayyeh was awarded with the CAMBR Scholarship for his research in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.
  October, 2015: Moshe Harats has been awarded the Incubic Milton Chang travel grant for the FIO/LS 2015 conference at San Jose, CA.
  June, 2015: Moshe Harats has been awarded with the best poster award at the SPP7 conference.
  May, 2015: Nitzan Livneh has been awarded with the faculty best poster award at the annual faculty poster session.
  March, 2015: Moshe Harats has been awarded with the HU nano center prize for an outstanding Ph.D student.
  November, 2013: Itamar Rosenberg was awarded a 2 Years CAMBR Scholarship for his research in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.
  June, 2013: Nitzan Livneh has been awarded with the "Brojde scholarship of the Cannadian friends of the Hebrew University".
  December, 2010: IPS conference - Ilai Schwarz won the poster session.
  November, 2010: Ayelet Strauss & Nitzan Livneh won the poster session at the NanoIsreal 2010 conference.
  June 30, 2009: Nitzan Livneh won the best poster award for the Nano Annual Conference.