Projects for M.Sc. students:

Duration: 1 Year.

Possible research topics include (Follow the links to review articles):
1. Hamiltonian composite fermion theory of fractional quantum Hall edges.

2. Interaction effects in quantum dots.

3. Electronic stripe phases, especially in the context of high temperature superconductivity.

The work I do is usually analytical but numerical calculations may be also part of the project. In addition to an exposure to the physics indicated above you will also study and implement field theoretical techniques such as the use of path integrals, bosonization and renormalization group.

Projects for Ph.D. students:

Duration: 4 Years.

Possible research topics include (Follow the links to review articles):
1. Electronic stripe phases, especially in the context of high temperature superconductivity.

The work I do is usually analytical but numerical calculations may be also part of the project. In addition to an exposure to the physics indicated above you will also study and implement field theoretical techniques such as the use of path integrals, bosonization and renormalization group.

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