The abstract should be submitted on one page in Word format (.doc), preferably
at 1.5 spacing using a 12-point size Times New Roman font. The page size is A4,
with 2.5 cm margins on all sides. The title should be centered, in capital letters.
The name(s) of the author(s) should follow, with two-line spacing;
the name of the speaker should be underlined. The affiliation
(name and address of the organization/university) should follow,
as well as the E-mail of the speaker. If applicable, the home page URL of the speaker
should also appear. The abstract itself should contain only regular alphanumeric symbols
(No Greek letters etc.). The abstract should be E-mailed According to the details below.
Please indicate to which session you would like to submit your abstract.
Please email your abstract to Yonatan Oron at