Session #13, Optical devices and communications
Thursday, March 10 2011, 15:00-18:30
Chair: Zeev Zalevsky

S13T1  15:00-15:20 Ekmel Ozbay, Bilkent Nanotechnology Research Center, Bilkent University, Bilkent, Ankara, Turkey (Invited)

Photonic Nano-Metamaterials: Science Meets Magic

S13T2  15:20-15:35 Jacob Scheuer, Tel Aviv University, Israel

Emission of cylindrical and elliptical vector beams from Radial Bragg Lasers

S13T3  15:35-15:50 Shoam Shwartz, Tel Aviv University, Israel

Generating function approach for spatial mode demultiplexing in optical communications with the aid of diffractive optics

S13T4  15:50-16:05 Garry Berkovic, Optical Sensing Group, Applied Physics Division, Soreq NRC, Yavne, Israel

Analysis of the Performance of Fiber-Optic Displacement Sensors Probing Machined Surfaces

S13T5  16:05-16:20 Shlomo Ruschin, Tel Aviv University, Israel

Guiding Effects in Negative-Index Slab Waveguides

S13T6  16:20-16:30 Galit Bar, Soreq NRC, Israel

Organic Electrochromic Cells in Three Primary Colors

S13T7  17:00-17:20 Pietro Ferraro, Istituto Nazionale di Ottica - CNR Pozzuoli (NA) Italy (Invited)

Manipulation and Dispensing Droplets in 3D for Liquid Nanoprinting and Nanopatterning by a novel EHD nano-optofluidic approach

S13T8  17:20-17:35 Uriel Levy, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Silicon Nanophotonics for communication applications

          S13T9  17:35-17:50 Adrian Stern, Ben-Gurion University, Israel

Compressive Imaging techniques

          S13T10 17:50-18:05 Asael Adler, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

High Index Contrast Polymer Optical Waveguides

          S13T11 18:05-18:20 Alik Gorshtein, Ben-Gurion University, Israel

Advanced Modulation Formats and Digital Signal Processing for Fiber Optic Communication

          S13T12 18:20-18:30 Yair Antman, Bar-Ilan University, Israel

High Resolution Brillouin Optical Time Domain Analysis Using Phase Coding

          S13T13 18:30-18:40 Yariv Shamir, Soreq NRC and Tel-Aviv University, Israel

Optimizing output beam quality of all-fiber beam combiners operated in the lowest supermode regime using an on-line detection technique