Session #11, Lasers and applications
Thursday, March 10 2011, 15:00-18:30
Chair: Itamar Shoshan

S11T1 15:00-15:30 Joseph Zyss, Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan, France (Invited)
Polymer based microbilliard lasers: from basics to technology and applications
S11T2 15:30-15:45 A. Gershikov, J. Lasri, Z. Sacks, G. Eisenstein, Technion, Optisiv LTD Elbit Systems
A Tunable Fiber Laser For The 2µm Wavelength Range Based on Narrow Band Optical Parametric Amplification And An Intra-Cavity Thulium Doped Fiber Active Filter
S11T3 15:45-16:00 Danny Grossman and Yonatan Oren, V-Gen Ltd
Frequency doubling of fiber laser sources: theoretical trends and pratical trade offs
S11T4 16:00-16:15 Eitan Ronen, Micha Nixon, Asher A. Friesem and Nir Davidson, Weizmann Institute of Science
Phase transitions with arrays of thousands of coherent lasers
S11T5 16:15-16:30 Steven Jackel, Avi Meir, Zvi Horvitz, Inon Moshe, Yehoshua Shimoni, Yaakov Lumer, Revital Feldman, Izhak Hershko,and Yotam Pekin, Soreq NRC
A clinical study of failure in microchannel cooled diodes used in high average-power laser system
S11T6 17:00-17:30 Nikolay Vinokurov, Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia (Invited)
Free Electron Lasers: Status and Prospects
S11T7 17:30-17:45 Avraham Gover, Tel-Aviv University
Super-radiance and sub-radiance in free electron lasers
S11T8 17:45-18:00 Moshe Levy, Yoram Karni, Noam Rapaport, Moshe Shamay, Renana Tesler, Yaroslav Don, Jacob Openheim, Yaakov Gridish, Tzach Niderman, SCD - Semi Conductor Devices
High power single emitters for fiber coupled diode packages
S11T9 18:00-18:15 B. Shulga and A. A. Ishaaya, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Off-axis pumping of air-clad photonic crystal fiber based systems
S11T10 18:15-18:35 C. Rotschild, M. Tomes, H. Mendoza, T. L. Andrew, T. M. Swager, T. Carmon, and M.A. Baldo, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Technion Haifa, and University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (Invited)
Non-resonantly pumped high-Q microlasers for on-chip applications and for efficient solar-pumped lasers