Opening sessions videos are now available fully on YouTube:

First day opening session featuring Nobel prize laureate Prof. Theodor Hänsch from the Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich, Germany and his lecture about laser frequency combs

Second day opening session featuring Prof. Philip Russell from the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen, Germany and his talk about photonic crystal fibers

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We would like to thank all the participants of the 3rd Oasis conference

Poster Winners

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Here are a couple of reviews (in Hebrew) about the 3rd Oasis conference:

"Israel becomes a major player in the electro-optics field!" by Eli Tavor
"Electrical engineering and Physics students showcase research and developments in electro-optics at Oasis3" by Tali Lauper

(Courtesy of the Israeli society of science, computers and software engineering)

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Pictures covering the event have been posted:

Opening Sessions (Day1   Day2)
Speakers              (Day1   Day2
Posters                (Day1   Day2

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Looking forward to seeing you next time!