Surface plasmon
resonance and biological applications.
Metamaterials, Negative
refraction, Photonic Crystals.
Near-field microwave
imaging, Scanning probes.
Ferromagnetic resonance,
Citation statistics.
Texts in Russian
recent publications:
V.Lirtsman, M. Golosovsky, and D. Davidov, " Surface
plasmon excitation using a Fourier-transform infrared spectrometer: Live
cell and bacteria sensing",
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 88, 103105 (2017).
Chasnitsky, M. Golosovsky,
D. Davidov, "The broadband surface
plasmon wave excitation using dispersion engineering", Optics
Express 23, 30570 (2015).
Golosovsky, P.Monod,
P.K. Muduli, R.C. Budhani,
“Low-field microwave absorption in epitaxial
La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 films resulting from the angle-tuned ferromagnetic resonance
in the multidomain state", Phys.Rev.B 85,
184418 (2012).
M. Golosovsky and S. Solomon, "Runaway Events Dominate the Heavy Tail of Citation
Distributions”, Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 205, 303 (2012).
Golosovsky and S. Solomon, "Stochastic Dynamical Model of a Growing Citation
Network Based on a Self-Exciting Point Process”, Physical Review Letters 109, 098701 (2012).
M. Golosovsky and S. Solomon, "The Transition Towards Immortality:
Non-linear Autocatalytic Growth of Citations to Scientific Papers”, J Stat Phys (2013) 151:340–354. Special Issue:
Statistical Mechanics and Social Sciences
M. Golosovsky and S. Solomon, " Growing complex network of citations of
scientific papers: Modeling and measurements”, Phys.
Rev. E (2017) 95, 012324 . (supplementary)
M. Golosovsky, " Power-law citation distributions are not scale-free”,
Phys. Rev. E (2017) 96, 032306 .
M. Golosovsky, ”Mechanisms of complex network growth:
Synthesis of the preferential attachment and fitness models”, Phys.
Rev. E 97, 062310 (2018).
Updated in July, 2020