Kaplun 107, Givat
Ram (map), Cell: +972-(0)54-8820668, Office: +972-(0)2-6584100, Fax: +972-(0)2-5611519
Tel: +972-(0)3-6743974, Fax: +972-(0)3-5744153
Racah Institute of Physics,
The Hebrew University, Jerusalem
E-mail:avishai.dekel at
Main Research Interests:
Astrophysics; cosmology
Formation, evolution and dynamics of galaxies; dark-matter halos; galaxy bimodality; high-redshift galaxy formation driven by cold streams from the cosmic web; star formation and its suppression; shock heating versus cold flows; supernova and other feedback processes; dwarf galaxies; the origin of angular momentum in galaxies; galaxy mergers; black holes in galactic centers
Cosmological simulations: gravity and hydrodynamics; Analytic and semi-analytic modeling of galaxy formation
The Fundamental Cosmological Parameters;
Dark Matter and Dark Energy in the Universe
Formation and Dynamics of Large-Scale Structure; Cosmic Flows
Cosmology Group
Research Projects for Students
Postdoctoral Fellowships in Galaxy Formation and Cosmology
Postdoctoral Fellowships in the Astrophysics Group
Short CV in English and Short CV in Hebrew
Wikipedia in English and Wikipedia in Hebrew
Popular Lectures
Coronavirus COVID-19
COLD STREAMS feeding a massive galaxy at high redshift: Mare Nostrum cosmological simulation
CLUMPY GALACTIC DISK at high redshift face-on: high-resolution cosmological simulation
CLUMPY GALACTIC DISK at high redshift edge-on: high-resolution cosmological simulation
POTENT Mark III: landscape of the local cosmological neighborhood (450 kb)
Bulk velocity (50 kb)
SBF vs Tully (640 kb)
POTENT and Wiener Filter maps: Mark III, SFI, IRAS (730 kb)
Decomposition into local and tidal fields (215 kb)
POTENT: SMAC+LP10K+SNIa (470 kb)
GIF constrained simulations (280 kb)
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