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6/2017 Chaos, Quantum Mechanics and Black Holes - a special public lecture from the frontier of theoretical physics delivered at the Hebrew University by Prof. Stephen Shenker on 25 June 2017, see also

5/2017 A TV appearance on time travel (Hebrew, channel KAN).

5/2017 A hypothesis regarding a relation between bat evolution and a period of darkness following an asteroid impact appears in "The K-Pg event as a key to bat evolution", see here.

4/2017 The SFI method is used to achieve a novel evaluation of a Feynman diagram in "The Vacuum Seagull: evaluating a  3-loop Feynman diagram with 3 mass scales, see here.

1/2017 Recognized as Excellent teacher of the Hebrew University for previous school year.

8/2016 Michael (Misha) Smolkin joins the faculty of the theoretical High Energy group.

8/2016 Presented "Effective black hole degrees of freedom at low frequencies" at the Inward Bound conference on Black Holes and Emergent Spacetime, 17-20 August 2016, NORDITA.

6/2016 "Bubble diagram through the Symmetries of Feynman Integrals method" appears. The Symmetries of Feynman Integrals (SFI) method is generalized to include diagrams with external legs, and the 1-loop propagator diagram ("the bubble") is analyzed and its value is reproduced through solving the SFI equations.

4/2016 The Racah Institute hires Yonit Hochberg and Eric Kuflik thereby establishing a long-awaited for group in High Energy Phenomenology. They defer their arrival to the following year.

4/2016 "The algebraic locus of Feynman integrals" appears. It defines a certain locus in the parameter space where a Feynman integral can be reduced to a linear combination of contracted diagrams.

11/2015 Joined the iCore grant and Center of Research Excellence in The Quantum Universe.

8/2015 The group mourns the passing of Prof. Jacob Bekenstein, a black hole pioneer and a model physicist.

7/2015 "Symmetries of Feynman integrals and the Integration By Parts Method" appears. This work associates with Integration By Parts, a method to compute Feynman integrals having some 1000 citations, a group action on parameter space and studies its consequences.

3/2015 The course "Analytical mechanics" 77303 is rated as the 3rd best among the 65 physics courses in the teaching evaluation questionnaire.
3/2015 Organized Hebrew Un. - Humboldt Un. meeting - hosting the group of Matthias Staudacher, 22-29 March, Jerusalem.

3/2015 Israel Science Foundation (ISF) rejects individual grant proposal in a rare and puzzling procedure prior to external referee process.

2/2015 Accepted the position of Head of physics studies at the department starting October 2015. Research to continue at full speed.

2/2015 Michael (Misha) Smolkin accepted our offer for a faculty position, joining the high energy group in summer 2016. Best wishes for success to Misha and the whole group!

8/2014 "Leading anomalies, the drift Hamiltonian,  and the relativistic two body problem" by Barak Kol and Bernard Nabet appears. This work proposes to solve the equations of motion by concentrating on relativistic anomalies and utilizing the Hamiltonian averaging method for a rather elegant and intuitive formulation.
    Presented "The effective field theory approach to the two body problem in Einstein's gravity" at the Vienna university of technology and at the Wigner research center (Budapest).

6/2014 "1-loop color structures and sunny diagrams" by Barak Kol and Ruth Shir appears

4/2014 "Color structures and permutations" and "Perturbative gauge theory and 2+2=4" by Ruth Shir and Barak Kol appear. These are our first papers on scattering amplitudes. They were presented at the Oxford Mathematical Physics group.

1/2014 Congratulations to Ruth for winning the Meidan fellowship (20k$/year for 3 years)
          Presented "Self force and equivalent periodic sources" (see 7/2013 below) at  "Black holes and quantum information" 12-17.1.2014, Weizmann.

9/2013 Presented the talk "How perturbative field theory could have been discovered in Einstein's gravity" at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton.

7/2013 Teaching evaluation for the recently given course "physics of musical instruments" (a student's seminar) ranks the course 1st among the department's 54 courses.

7/2013 "Self force and equivalent periodic sources" appears and is presented in Capra 16 together with an invited review talk. This work suggests to change the way researchers have been thinking about the self force and have been computing it over the last two decades. Here is an informal introduction.

6/2013 "Classical 3-loop 2-body diagrams" by Ruth Shir and Barak Kol appears

5/2013 "A theory of post-Newtonian radiation and reaction" by Ofek Birnholtz, Shahar Hadar and Barak Kol appears

2/2012 Presented invited talk at "Equations of motion in relativistic gravity" 17-23.2.2013 Heraeus Seminar at Bad Honnef, Germany

12/2012 Warm greetings to Zohar Komargodski (Weizmann) and fellow prize winners by the Fundamental Physics Prize Foundation announced recently

12/2012 Awarded a 3 year grant from the Einstein Foundation Berlin in collaboration with Berlin physicists Nicolai and Staudacher

9/2012 Chair of organizing committee for "Forty years of black hole thermodynamics" IIAS, Jerusalem

12/2011 Delivered invited talks in"Black Holes: New Horizons" 20-25.11.2011 BIRS, Banff
and "Eff ective Field Theory and Gravitational Physics" 28-30.11.2011 Perimeter institute

10/2011 Determination of induced polarization coefficients of a black hole by Kol and Smolkin published

7/2011 Awarded a 4 year personal grant from the Israeli Science Foundation